Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Take cover - earthquake!

Room 13 and the rest of UHPS has been practicing what to do if there is an earthquake. In Christchurch there were earthquakes and aftershocks that caused damage. We know what to do! If there is an earthquake we drop, cover and hold. Or as Miss Rae said - MAKE LIKE A TURTLE, because turtles tuck in their heads, arms and legs. Our heads are so important because they have your brain inside, which tells your body how to work so we MUST protect it.

If you are inside you should go under a table and hold the table legs so they don't move and you stay covered. If you can't get under a table or you are outside you should try and brace yourself against a wall with NO glass, or just stop, drop, cover and hold.

As a family it is important that everyone knows what to do. If we are at school we need to know what the plan is to get home, or if at home where are emergency supplies kept? Miss Rae showed us a website called What's the plan, Stan?

MISS RAE HAS SET A CHALLENGE! All families please read and discuss this list so everyone in Room 13 knows what to do!