Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Room 13 MIB holiday challenge.

The Room 13 MIB holiday challenge.

This holiday challenge is for Reading, Maths and Spelling! Can you MIB your learning?

Record the amount of time you spend each day on these learning areas and then return on Day 1 of Term 4 with the times totalled.

There will be prizes for the 3 highest amounts of time.

Suggested Learning Ideas –

Reading: favourite books, library visit, blog reading, buddy reading, poetry. - read

Spelling: testing, copying words, make flash cards, websites.

Maths: board games, card games, basic facts testing, flash cards.

Good luck and happy learning,

Miss Rae.

Miss Rae has an important question.

Miss Rae had a very interesting discussion this morning which leads to the next question.

"Hands up if you wash the dishes at home?" 14 people out of 26. What about the other 12? Why do they not do the dishes?
Liam said he is lazy. 4 people said they stack or empty the dishwasher. 4 people said that their parents don't want them to do the dishes. Madison and Pyper said they sit down, watches tv, read a book and be lazy. Ben M just wants to play playstation.

So what other responsibilities do we have at home? Make your bed, feed your pets, tidy up your stuff, clean the toilet, keep your bedroom tidy, wash the bath tub, clean the shower, make your own breakfast, lunch, or dinner, shower/bathing by yourself, vacuum, clean up your own mess, help with folding the laundry, get your own stuff ready for different outings and offer guests refreshments.

How much do you do? A lot? Or a little? 3 people said everything but most people said they do about half or less.

So here is the challenge? What can you do to MIB this at home? Everyone at home has responsibilities to make it fair.

We will ask this question again next term... maybe we will read posts from parents about sparkling dishes and tidy bedrooms! Good luck everyone!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Prepare for the worst.

Today at school we had an earthquake drill. Room 13 were impressive and got under cover in 2 seconds! Then this afternoon we watched a dvd made by Civil Defence. Some of the things in it were a bit scary but we know now to BE PREPARED! The dvd told us we need food supplies, water, toilet paper, shoes, blanket, towels, warm clothes, tissues, a plastic bag for rubbish, a torch, medicine, first aid kit, a plan, stuff for your animals and batteries. Everyone should know how to turn off the power.

We found out that you can find more information from the radio - you need to listen for the Civil Defence siren. There is more information at the back of the Yellow pages. Not everyone knows where or what the Yellow Pages is so those people are going to ask their parents or caregivers tonight.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Learning fun - maths.

Hands up those people who want to play Mathletics? Room 13 just raised lots and lots of hands. While the school is deciding what to do, I have a suggestion for a free alternative. As a family you may wish to discuss internet safety and then check out

You have to set up an account however children's names are not shared. Go have a look.

Take cover - earthquake!

Room 13 and the rest of UHPS has been practicing what to do if there is an earthquake. In Christchurch there were earthquakes and aftershocks that caused damage. We know what to do! If there is an earthquake we drop, cover and hold. Or as Miss Rae said - MAKE LIKE A TURTLE, because turtles tuck in their heads, arms and legs. Our heads are so important because they have your brain inside, which tells your body how to work so we MUST protect it.

If you are inside you should go under a table and hold the table legs so they don't move and you stay covered. If you can't get under a table or you are outside you should try and brace yourself against a wall with NO glass, or just stop, drop, cover and hold.

As a family it is important that everyone knows what to do. If we are at school we need to know what the plan is to get home, or if at home where are emergency supplies kept? Miss Rae showed us a website called What's the plan, Stan?

MISS RAE HAS SET A CHALLENGE! All families please read and discuss this list so everyone in Room 13 knows what to do!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Showing respect and compassion.

This morning we have had a discussion on showing respect and compassion. We think as a school we need to MIB the ways we show we care about the wider community.

Here are some ideas we thought we could put into practise today:

  • If someone is not using right time, right place, right person thinking we could remind them.
  • Hold the door open for others
  • Push chairs in so no one trips over them
  • If someone teaches you a word in a different language, be sure that you know what it means before you use it and repeat it to make sure you are not hurting feelings.
  • Stop and check if people are hurt - get help from a year 6 leader or duty teacher.
  • Use your manners and say good morning or good evening or hello, please and thank you.
  • Use people's names.
  • Smile.
  • Let other people go first through doorways, move aside.
Let the caring begin! Our mission starts NOW! Room 13 can you MIB it? YES WE CAN!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dear Matthew

We were so glad to hear from you. It is stink that someone threw a sandwich in the garden. We've started using the computer on a daily timetable, we are doing really well and we like it.

We miss you! We hope you are having a good time and made some new friends.

Miss Rae has finished testing everyone and everyone has done so well. Today we have sport and assembly. Do you have a Friday assembly? Does your new class have a blog we can look at? What class are you in - is it a straight year 3 class? What NUMBER class are you? Still in Room 13?

We have to go and do our spelling now, but we might have brainfood first.

We hope to hear from you soon,

Love from Room 13

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Check out this totally cool website! See what animations you can make by having a play on this website.

Have fun!

Computer use!

Well it has finally happened! We have set up a roster for the computers and each person in the class has a day where they complete all their work on the computer. As we use computers more and more, we also need to improve our keyboarding skills. We have started to use a typing website - have a go at home.

Remember to visit Miss Rae's Delicious site to find the websites we use at school.